Refund Policy

Refund Policy

All personalized and non personalized digital products such as programs including but not limited to meals plans, workout plans, recipe books and guides are one time purchases and are non refundable. All customized plans have a 48 hour turn around time after your purchase is made. All sales are final. Thank you. 

Monitoring and coaching subscriptions.
This is a service-based monthly subscription. Once your subscription renews your personal coach is reserved to you. No refunds will be issued for unused days or services. No exceptions. 

You the customer are responsible for checking in with weight stats to your coach for monitoring. You the customer must contact your nutrition coach to schedule an initial introductory calls within 7 days of signing up. Unused days do not rollover. You may cancel your membership anytime by emailing us here. Cancellations must be made before your subscription renewal date.

Thank you!